Arrow Season 8 Premiere Review: 10 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Starling City'

2. Pretty Bird

Arrow Season 8 Pretty Bird
The CW

A major milestone took place in the season premiere, and it was a milestone so crowd-pleasing that it deserves an 'up' all of its own.

As Laurel stood there and caught up with Oliver, her new partner Adrian asked: "You get him to tell you the truth yet, Pretty Bird?" Yes, it took Arrow seven long years before it referred to Dinah Laurel Lance - the Black Damn Canary - by her own comic book nickname, but it was a moment worth waiting on.

In a way, it felt like this was the show coming full-circle in its attempts to make up for killing the original Laurel Lance off all those years ago, so it was only fitting that Earth-2's Laurel was given the nickname. Her journey towards the light is now complete and, more than that, this has confirmed that Katie Cassidy is, and always has been, the show's definitive Black Canary.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.