Arrow Season 8 Premiere Review: 10 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Starling City'


10. The Beginnings Of An Intriguing New Story In 2040

Arrow Season 8 2040
The CW

The flash-forwards may have felt a little truncated, rushed and underdeveloped, but it's hard not to enjoy the dynamic between the team of up-and-coming heroes.

McNamara's Mia may be annoyingly moody and self-righteous but she's exactly like her dad, and it shows. Meanwhile, David-Jones' Connor is nearly as effective but totally as loyal as his adopted father, and Sixtos' Canary-in-training Zoe is already incredibly badass.

However, it's Ben Lewis' charismatic and infectiously joyous turn as William that really holds the team together in this episode, and adds some much-needed light-heartedness to all the brooding going on.

As for the team's attempts to track down the Deathstroke Gang, and the tension between brothers Conner and JJ, that never quite reached its full potential in the premiere - but it wasn't really supposed to yet. That doesn't, however, change the fact that there is potential there; hopefully Arrow can capitalise on it in the episodes to come.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.