Arrow Season 8 Review: 6 Ups & 1 Down From 'Prochnost'

1. What Next?

Arrow Laurel Lance Black Canary Quentin Lance
The CW

In keeping with this season's series of shocking cliffhangers, ''Prochnost' ended on a rather jaw-dropping moment. And it was a shock of two halves, as Laurel's utilisation of Oliver and Diggle in the Lyla dilemma was followed by all three Team Arrow members being nailed with tranquilliser darts. But as Lyla stood over them with a regretful look on her face and an apology on her lips, we as viewers have been left wondering what comes next.

Granted, next week's instalment will see Oliver and Laurel seemingly transported to an alternate version of their current reality - a reality in which Quentin Lance never died - but when they inevitably reset that reset back to normal, how will the trio cope with Lyla's betrayal?

More Harbinger than ever, Lyla claims she's working with The Monitor for the greater good, but is that good great enough for John to ever trust her again? And how (if at all) will The Monitor react to all of this?

Arrow continues to thrill us as its final season literally gets better with each passing episode. How they're going to top this we don't know, but what we do know is that they somehow will.


What did you make of 'Prochnost'? Tell us in the comment section below.


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Titans Jason
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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.