Arrow Season 8 Review: 8 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Welcome To Hong Kong'


2. The Little Things

Arrow Lyla
The CW

You'll probably read this section and think "oh but they're only little things", and you'd be right. In fact, this is only a minor criticism - that's how little these things are. But sometimes, it's the little things that count.

Diggle contacted Lyla and informed the audience that she would be traveling to Hong Kong to meet them. While that was a welcome announcement, how on earth did she end up arriving and tracking down Laurel so quickly? Hadn't the former Black Siren just left Oliver and Diggle to find her old Cayden James contact? So why was she only beginning to do so when Lyla showed up?

Of course, Lyla could have also used a breach device to transport herself to Hong Kong, right? If so, shouldn't that have been explained?

Speaking of Laurel, it was fantastic to see her rocking that new Black Canary costume again. But wasn't that outfit on Earth-2 when it was destroyed? So how did she retrieve it?

Again, we're dealing with parallel universes and multiverse madness that break the rules of our universe, but that doesn't mean the show should be breaking the rules of its own.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.