Arrow: The Impossible Oliver Queen Quiz

Just how well do you know Amell’s Emerald Archer?

The CW

Many shed a tear when Arrow concluded earlier this year after an eight-season run.

The show that launched the Arrowverse, Arrow was so often so good for so long. Sure, there were blips along the way and certain seasons with better than others, but as an overall series the show gave audiences so much to enjoy, to be entertained by, to be engaged with.

From the Vigilante, to the Hood, to the Green Arrow, to the Spectre, audiences got to see Oliver Queen’s story play out in glorious fashion. And like so many superhero stories, this tale all came to a gut-punching emotional end as Oliver sacrificed himself to save literal existence in The CW’s brilliant Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event.

The legacy of Oliver and of Arrow will live on, of course, with his impact on this shared universe of shows having already been felt in the aftermath of Crisis on Infinite Earths – not least in how the multiverse of endless Earths have now been streamlined into one standard Earth, or in how there’s a Green Arrow & The Canaries future-set spin-off in the works to centre on Oliver’s daughter Mia.

Across Arrow’s eight-year run though, just how well do you know Amell’s Emerald Archer? Here, we’ve got an Oliver Queen quiz that even the Master Bowman himself would struggle to hit the bullseye on.

1. What Is The Name Of The Island So Often Tied To Oliver’s Story?

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Quizzes Arrow
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