Batwoman Season 1: 8 Easter Eggs & References You Might Have Missed In 'Pilot'

1. A Triumphant Bat

Batwoman CGI
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You might have noticed something vaguely familiar about the way Kate loomed over the edge of that building after she successfully saved Sophie Moore. Well, that's because everything about this moment, from the angle it was shot from to the way her cape blew in the wind, was reminiscent of the closing scene of Tim Burton's revolutionary 1989 film Batman.

It also bears similarities to scenes from Batman: Mask of The Phantasm, Batman Begins and a Season 2 episode of animated series The Batman ('Fire and Ice'), but it's hard to overlook the similarities to Burton's film. In fact, the only thing missing was Danny Elfman's equally triumphant Finale score!

A triumphant pose atop a building is exactly what the Bat-Family does best, and it's nice to see Batwoman paying tribute to one of, if not the, greatest comic book films of all time.


Did you spot anymore Easter Eggs and/or references in the Batwoman pilot? Tell us in the comment section below.


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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.