Batwoman Season 1 Review: 9 Ups & 5 Downs


9. It's SO Much Better Than Its Trailer

Batwoman Trailer
The CW

Let's start with the one thing that quickly became a roadblock in Batwoman's journey to success before it had even hit screens: That infamous trailer. The moment it found its way onto the internet, the Batwoman character's triumphant debut in the Elseworlds crossover seemed but a distant memory; replaced by a montage of cringey music, unsatisfying effects and dialogue attempting to be so clever that it didn't even make sense.

Well, just as this writer assured you before, the show is so much better than that trailer as it maintains all of the elements that made Batwoman's Elseworlds appearance epic and infuses it with the most compelling narrative that the Arrowverse has seen in some time. It's epic, it's action-packed and its theatrical in its approach - everything that the trailer wasn't.

We'll not get caught up on that as it's best to leave the trailer in the rear-view mirror, but seriously don't let your opinion on the show be tainted by one serious promotion misstep. If you're still interested in starting it, you absolutely should.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.