Better Call Saul: 10 Breaking Bad Cameos That May Yet Pop Up

7. The Rival Dealers

Never honoured with a name, the rival dealers were part of Gus' business and were the ones responsible for bringing 11 year old Tomas Cantillo onto their workforce. An unfortunate series of events would lead to Walter White running them over with his car. And the dominoes go on.

If the silent pair are in Gus' organisation during the prequel then the characters could be reused at any time to pad out that storyline. But there is another, more important reason as to why they may be reintroduced into Better Call Saul, a single question on everyone's lips: did Gus Fring have a hand in the use of children in his drug industry.

The answer the Los Pollos owner would give us is a resounding no, but he's not the most transparent individual. At best he is a mildly sympathetic character and viewers have come to understand, though perhaps not condone, the reasons behind his decisions. But a reveal that Gus would order the death of a child would condemn him to a villain beyond redemption.


A music grad & screenwriting masters student hoping to put his strong grasp of the online thesaurus to good use. Will write about anything you can find on a screen or a compact disc. Except the Bee Gees. He doesn't know much about them.