Beyonce Life Is But A Dream Documentary: Top 5 Insights

4. Beyoncé Miscarried

Beyoncé miscarriage For the perceptive €“ you may have caught the lyric sung by Jay-Z in the 2012 daughter/father track €œGlory€ €˜last time the miscarriage was so tragic.€™ Bey's recount of the miscarriage is one of the most revealing and vulnerable points in the entire documentary. Beyoncé speaks candidly on the tragedy:
"It was the saddest thing I've ever been through. About two years ago, I was pregnant for the first time and I heard the heartbeat, which was the most beautiful music I ever heard in my life. I picked out names. I envisioned what my child would look like. I was feeling very maternal. I flew back to New York to get my check up - and no heartbeat, literally the week before I went to the doctor, everything was fine, but there was no heartbeat. I went into the studio and wrote the saddest song I've ever written in my life."
You can listen to the sad song she recorded titled €œHeartbeat€ here. I've got to give Bey props for revealing such a personal tragedy to the world. Many women suffer from miscarriages during their pregnancies. Hearing her talk about how it impacted her so deeply reassured her fans and viewers of how human she really is.

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