Black Mirror: 10 Times It Creepily Predicted The Future

1. Offensive TV Star Ends Up Running The World

Black Mirror Waldo Trump
Channel 4

The Episode: The Waldo Moment followed the far-fetched premise that an animated blue bear from a political satire TV show would become popular enough to run for an MP position. In the episode's chilling coda, it is revealed that Waldo - or at least his image - has become the Big Brother-like leader of a dystopian future.

How It Came True: Brooker was inspired to write the episode by his feeling of an anti-establishment rebellion brewing amongst the voting public. But even he couldn't have predicted that, three years after he wrote The Waldo Moment, another outrageous TV personality with an appearance many find comical would be elected to the highest office in the land.

On the morning after former The Apprentice star's Presidential election, Twitter was full of people comparing the situation to a Black Mirror episode. In response, the official account for the show posted this chilling reminder:

Welcome to the future, everyone. Doesn't it look bright?


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