Black Sails: 10 Pirates Who Should Appear In Season 2

9. Blind Pew

Real or storybook? Storybook Who is he? The sinister antagonist in the initial part of Treasure Island, Pew is a bloodthirsty former member of Captain Flint's crew who squandered all of his share of the treasure within a year and since then became a violent and murderous beggar and thief. Despite, or possibly because of, his blindness Pew is one of the most threatening characters in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel, the leader of the gang of ex-pirates desperate to take the treasure map from Billy Bones at any cost in the sequence that kick starts the novel and leaves Pew trampled to death. Where would he fit into Black Sails? As of the end of Season 1 the show's version of Billy Bones is lost at sea, presumed (by the other characters at least) to be dead. Even if Black Sails departs in many ways from the Treasure Island chronology, as it most assuredly will, it would be a major surprise not to see Billy return and outlive most of the rest of them to become the drunken old "Captain" of the book. When he does return the show could certainly do worse than give him a mean spirited rival who already has an antagonistic relationship towards him on the page. On top of that, Black Sails, like with the young Professor X's full head of hair in the X-Men prequels, tantalises its audiences by presenting the early life of literature's most famous one legged man, all with John Silver happily walking around on two legs. A similar sense of anticipation could be created by having a Blind Pew who is completely able to see. Just how did Pew become blind?
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Black Sails
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