Black Sails: 10 Pirates Who Should Appear In Season 2

4. Ben Gunn

Real or storybook? Storybook Who is he? Speaking of marooned castaways, here's the only one to rival Robinson Crusoe in the fame stakes (I mean, has Crusoe ever been played by Miss Piggy?). In Treasure Island Gunn is part of Flint's Walrus crew at the time in which Flint buries his treasure, meaning he knows the island where the treasure is but not where on the island the treasure can be found. Years later when his new crew sails past the island, Gunn can't resist getting them to have a look for the treasure. After two weeks of failed searching the crew maroon him on the island, abandoning him with a pick to keep searching. By the time of the events of Treasure Island, Gunn has been on the island for three years, gone slightly mad and found the treasure, which proves pretty useful by the end. Where would he fit into Black Sails? Gunn is probably the best known of the Treasure Island characters in Flint's crew yet to make an appearance in Black Sails, so audiences are sure to expect him to show up at some point. In Stevenson's novel Gunn is a somewhat more timid presence than the other pirates and is particularly scared of Silver. In the show it is Silver who has a bit of a cowardly streak, so it would be interesting to see how the series would contrast his emerging confidence and control with the put upon Gunn. Just as Silver joined the crew from a ship captured by the Walrus in the opening episode, it would be an interesting to see a parallel arrival for Gunn in a new series and the different subsequent behaviours from the two.
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