Boardwalk Empire: 6 Awesome Moments From 'Farewell Daddy Blues'

1. Harrow's Death

Boardwalk Empire Harrows Death Similarly, Harrow's death was heartbreaking as he had been a fan-favourite character since his first appearance. Richard Harrow's life was sad because it was determined by circumstances and trauma in war. Despite his trauma, he connected with Jimmy's family and discovered a true purpose in his life as he took care of Tommy and fell in love with Julia. What's more is €“ as I said on the previous page €“ he was attempting to curb his murderous instincts, finally having enough with the senseless killings he's committed now that he looked to fully commit to Tommy's upbringing and starting a family with Julia. I really hoped the sequence on the train and as he approached his sister's house was actually happening. I even tried telling myself 'Harrow's not dead, he's just sitting on the beach hallucinating all this, it's just a flesh wound, he's still alive,' but we must sadly face the facts. One could say Harrow's story had run its course and, in a way, it had. Since he was finally coming to terms with his past actions and wished to live a respectable life, there wasn't much room for him in the corrupt world Nucky inhabited. I wish he was able to get away with Tommy and Julia (and I'm still going to hold out on my hallucination theory until I see an obituary!), but the last scene as he walked to the house and we saw, for the first time, an actual full shot of his face before the war was a beautiful moment. It signaled he had finally come to terms with who he was and, afterlife or not, put the past behind him as he embraced his family. He will be sorely missed on Boardwalk Empire as he was the one character people truly rooted for to succeed.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.