Breaking Bad: 10 Amazing Examples That Show Dean Norris Never Ages

6. The X-Files

Dean Norris X Files In the second season episode, "F. Emasculata" Dean Norris pops up as (you guessed it) a law enforcement officer who looks exactly the same as every other cop he has played. Mulder and Scully are sent to a prison to participate in the retrieval of two escaped convicts. Initially they are not sure why they have been sent on what should be a routine police investigation. But once they start looking a little deeper, they find that the inmates are suffering from a mysterious, deadly disease. Norris plays US Marshal Tapia and has his toes firmly stepped on when Mulder and Scully turn up on the scene;
US Marshal Tapia: "FBI run out of crooked politician to sting?" Mulder: "Excuse me?" US Marshal Tapia: "Mulder and Scully?" Scully: "That right. We have orders to work with the Federal Marshals on this man hunt." US Marshal Tapia: "Either of you ever run an escaped convict operation?" Mulder: "No." US Marshal Tapia: "Well then you'd be a real big help if you just tried to... stay out of the way." Mulder: "We'd be happy to, soon as we can talk to someone who's in charge." US Marshal Tapia: "I'm in charge here." Mulder: "Apparently not, or you'd know why our involvement was requested."

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.