Breaking Bad: 10 Fitting Ways Walter White Could Die

9. Death By Poisoning

Breaking Bad Poor innocent Brock - not only is he named after a Pokemon character (probably), he also has to go through hell and back just to aid Walter White in his convincing of Jesse that Gus is indeed a major badman who needs to be killed. With the emphasis on chemistry, there are plenty of unique and fitting ways to contaminate the blood of our man W.W. I could envisage him getting a simple snake bite and keeling over, slowly dying alone as his blood thickens and he dies an agonizing death. The man has certainly caused an immense amount of pain in other peoples lives - the metaphorical physical pain could be just the fate he deserves.
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...