Breaking Bad: 10 Times Walter White Made You Genuinely Root For Him

8. The Scene With Tuco

Breaking Bad Walter White

"Fulminated mercury, a little tweak of chemistry", Walt mutters as he leaves Tuco's drug shack with $50k in the bag and a deal to supply the fiery Mexican with a further 2lb a week of crystal meth.

Walt's stroll back to his car and subsequent celebration in the dull as dishwater White family car is a moment to savour in season one of Breaking bad. It's the very first time we get to see 'Heisenberg' on show and cements Walt's place as the leader and driver of his business partnership with Jesse Pinkman.

Walt's display of chemistry knowledge, business acumen, and frankly, a showing of big balls in front of Tuco gets you right on board with what he set out to do and you simply can't help but be pleased for him.

Tuco is a mad man when it comes to his loose-cannon attitude and uncontrollable actions, but Walt puts him right in his place and instantly earns the respect of the drug-lord.

As a first taste of what's to come from the show and Walt's character, this scene is perfect.


Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.