Laura Fraser was a late addition to the show, appearing in the final season as the highly neurotic Lydia Rodarte-Quayle. The most unassuming of Breaking Bad's typically brash antagonists, she was nevertheless a key cog in Gus' (and later Walt's) drug empire, using her business connections to help distribute meth throughout the USA and Europe. Not a likeable character by any stretch of the imagination - but highly appreciated due to Fraser's brilliant performance - Lydia still had her lighter moments. Her highly conspicuous "disguise" when meeting Mike in a diner showed her to be a real fish out of water. Another reason for Lydia's cult character status was her fish-out-of-water demeanour throughout. Her inclusion was a major risk on behalf of Vince Gilligan and the writing team, but paid off wonderfully, giving the final season a corporate sheen to reflect Walt's expanding empire. Ultimately, Lydia was granted one of the more horrible fates of the series, poisoned by ricin and left to simply await her inevitable death.