Breaking Bad: 4 Ways Hank Could Leave The Bathroom

2. Hank Has No Definite Proof Apart From Leaves of Grass Inscription, He Needs Some

Hank might have seemed like an idiot loud mouth in the first couple of seasons, but he has proved himself to be probably one of best D.E.A agents in the organisation. He's not going to ask Walt outright, he's going to build connections to the rest of the evidence he has, and eventually confront Walt with it when he has it all figured out.
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Breaking Bad
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Freelance writer, specialising in film and television, sometimes dabbling into video games and comic writing, though not as often as he should. Outside of this, he enjoys waiting for an entire season of a show to finish so he can blitz them in a weekend, buying loads of films and video games and never getting around to even opening them, or acquiring entire back catalogues of authors and never finding time to read them.