Breaking Bad: 5 Pieces of Evidence That Suggest Hal Wilkerson Is Walter White

1. The Underwear

FinalPants They say you can tell a lot about someone by their star sign, job or the car they drive. But if you really want to find out what makes the man, then sometimes you have to look no further than their underwear. The weapon of choice for both men is the classically understated Tighty Whitey, solidifying their representation as the clean-cut, all-American family man. Seeing as actions speak louder than words, there is no need for anything flashy here. As we take all the above evidence in, we could be tempted to imagine the two swapping roles. Do you think Hal€™s reaction to a cancer diagnosis would really be any different? And how would Walter deal with being questioned by the FBI? Thinking about it, should we even be limiting our comparisons to just Hal and Walter. . . ? StevieandGus

My favourite films are The Big Lebowski closely followed by Jurassic Park. That should tell you everything you need to know about me.