Breaking Bad: The 7 Deadly Sins Of Walter White

1. Pride

If Walter White's wrath is something of an issue for him then so is his pride. In fact much of his wrath is exacerbated by his sense of self-worth. If you challenge Walt in any way and make him feel less of a man then you can bet the house that he'll be coming to mess you up soon enough. Would Walt have murdered Mike if Mike had not dented his pride? Maybe, maybe not, but there's no way that calling Walt out on his skills in the drug business helped matters. Nor did it help Skyler when she turned on him towards the end of season 5b. In Walt's eyes he had sacrificed everything so that his wife and children could have it all once he was dead, and they threw his efforts back in his face. Sure, some of his reaction during the infamous phone call was because deep down he still wanted to protect his wife, but much of the other stuff - like admitting responsibility for the death of Hank - was brought on as a result of having his pride seriously wounded. Perhaps much of this would have also been avoided if Walt hadn't planted the seed in Hank's mind that the real Heisenberg may still be at large after it was believed that Hank had put the man behind bars. Schoolboy error, Walt. There's no denying he's lived a sinful life - especially in the time frame of the series - but whether or not Walter White manages to redeem himself at any stage of the shows finale is a decision I shall leave up to you. Feel free to let us know your thoughts on this subject and anything else Breaking Bad related in the comments section below or by following us on Twitter @WhatCulture using the hash tag #BreakingBad

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.