Breaking Bad: 8 Most Diabolical Heisenberg Moments

1. Poisoning Brock

Breakingbrock Ordering the executions of numerous innocents, watching a young girl choke to death and not intervening, bombing an old people's home out of one, selfish act of vengeance - yeah, it's easy to comprehend the "Heisenberg is evil" argument. Yet his most diabolical act hasn't even been touched upon yet - that is, poisoning Brock. The most diabolical act because of the selfish motives behind it, and also the fact Brock was just a child. Walt poisoned Brock with the "Lily of the Valley" plant and blamed the act on Gustavo Fring in a warped attempt to get Jesse back on "Team Heisenberg" in season four, before it is revealed that Walt was behind the dastardly crime. Though Brock wasn't killed by the poisoning, he was hospitalized for several weeks, all so Walt could manipulate Jesse again. What do you think Heisenberg's most diabolical acts were? Was Heisenberg evil? Let us know in the comment section, below.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.