Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul: 10 Characters Killed At The Perfect Time

1. Breaking Bad - Walter White

Better Call Saul
"I want this."

How could Breaking Bad have ended any other way than with the demise of its magnum opus?

Walter's death was written in stone since the show began. Bryan Cranston's legendary character experiences brief periods of remission but the looming sense of doom associated with his ferocious cancer never truly goes away, meaning that there is a constant shadow of death hanging over him.

Any version of Breaking Bad that continued past the death of the drug lord would have contravened every principle of storytelling cultivated in breathing life into this superlative series. Accordingly, Walter dies in the very final moments of the climactic episode, bringing the tragic tale of Heisenberg to a close in fitting style after vengefully obliterating Jack's gang.

Walter even manages some semblance of closure with Jesse when the latter refuses White's final request to put him out of his misery - while also drawing cheers from the audience when it is revealed he has poisoned the insidious Lydia. The triumphant crescendo of the greatest crime drama ever conceived sees Walter - now completely alone but for his beloved science equipment - succumb to his wounds.

White's reflection in the surface of one piece of apparatus has the effect of making him look bald once last time, giving audiences a poignant final look at one of the most iconic characters in history as he slumps to the floor.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.