Breaking Bad Or Sons Of Anarchy Quiz: Who Said It - Walter White Or Jax Teller?
Was it the every-day methamphetamine Kingpin or the gun running motorcycle enthusiast?

The worlds of Breaking Bad and Sons Of Anarchy combine here as we draw a comparison between the two protagonists for each show. Walter White and Jax Teller are on paper two completely opposite men but, looking past the first impression, have many similarities.
For instance, both men are fighting against a pre-ordained fate for the future of their families, as Walter is fighting to provide security and financial stability for his family when the cancer takes him. Over in the fictional town of Charming in California, Jackson is fighting against his family roots in the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club as he is destined to follow in his father's footsteps as the leader of the gun-running bike enthusiasts, but fears for the consequences his family suffer due to it.
Both men are drawn to desperate measures and actions whilst having to often make difficult choices for the sake of what is best for their family, just for it to blow back in their faces.
Can you tell which quote is said by which of the desperate family men?
Answers at the end!