Breaking Bad Quiz: Bet You Can’t Name All These Characters
"A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!"

Vince Gilligan's Breaking Bad is one of the most critically acclaimed television series of all time and has solidified its status as one of the greatest shows ever made. Although the show stopped airing eight years ago, it still keeps its place in IMDb’s top-rated TV shows. Over its run, the show has earned 110 Emmys.
Back in 2008, when the first season of Breaking Bad was aired, producers were unsure if the show would work in the longer run. Although the first season had only seven episodes, it brought excellent reviews and viewership, which led to the creation of a historic neo-western crime drama.
According to the audience, this show was not only brilliant with its ideas, but also with its cast. Unlike the bleak finale, it has remained the best moody, bold and cruel TV series of all time. Walter White was one of the greatest protagonists in television history, and Bryan Cranston's performance will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the best.
This show was as addictive as the 99.1% pure blue meth Heisenberg cooked. But how well do you remember the names of all characters?
Answers at the end!