Breaking Bad Season 5: 6 Possible Endings

1. They Hug It Out

Breaking Bad

Well, Bryan Cranston said it, so it has to be included as a possibility. If E and Ari in Entourage can set aside their obviously major differences, perhaps Walt and Hank, and Jesse, and Skyler, and Steve Gomez, and Walt Junior, and Holly, and the rest of the DEA, and Mike€™s family, and the Madrigal meth employees, and Ted Beneke, and Saul, and Saul€™s henchmen, can all hug it out. Or, maybe that€™s a crazy amount of people that Walt has wronged in one way or another (and those are only the ones Walt hasn€™t killed yet), and he€™s in a little bit of trouble. So, what do you guys think? Shout it out below!

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