Breaking Bad: Walt's 10 Most Psychotic Moments

1. Say My Name

Breakingbadass "You know... You all know exactly who I am. Say my name." It is the quintessential Walter White moment; The pinnacle of his character arc. It is the fifth season and he has completed his transformation from broke, sickly cancer-ridden chemistry teacher into the steely-eyed drug kingpin known as Heisenberg. Walter, Jesse and Mike are standing in front of rival drug dealer Declan and his crew. This is a situation that would have had season one Walter White soiling his shorts. Now, however, we see a smirking, confident Heisenberg completely controlling the situation. There is no more pretence about his identity. Heisenberg is no longer a name he uses to protect himself or his family. Walter has completely succumbed to the fantasy of being this new person. It may be who he was all along but never allowed himself to be because of a fear of consequence, lack of self-esteem or self-imposed morality. Regardless, when he looks Declan (no softie in his own right) square in the eye, tells them that he killed Gus Fring, and orders them to say his name, Declan apprehensively murmurs "Heisenberg". This cements Walter's full immersion into the identity of a man who lies, cheats, steals, manipulates and kills, not because he has to anymore, but because he likes it and is good at it. What do you think were Heisenberg's most psychotic moments? Share yours in the comment section, below.

George is a life-long fan of genre, wrestling and guitars. He is an actor, writer, CrossFit trainer and former WWE storyline writer. He currently works as talent development for PWX wrestling and resides in the birthplace of the zombie movie, Pittsburgh, PA.