Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quiz: Did Captain Holt Or Amy Do It?

Let's see if you can work out which of these statements are about Captain Holt or Amy Santiago.

Brooklyn Nine nine Captain Holt Amy

In Brooklyn Nine-Nine Amy Santiago has one dream, to be the youngest Captain in the NYPD. Her competitive nature demands that she be the best in everything she does. So when Captain Raymond Holt arrives at the 99th precinct she knows straight away that she wants him to be be her mentor.

At first Captain Holt is more focused on Jake Peralta, seeing the potential that could be going to waste. Then as the seasons go on, Captain Holt begins to take Amy under his wing to help her grow and develop.

When it looks like the 99 could be shut down and they have only one day left, the pair quickly go through an express mentoring program with Amy taking diligent notes. When the 99 is saved Captain Holt reveals that this was only the first part of his mentoring plan for Amy.

Both Amy and Captain Holt are highly organised and develop an understanding of each other. When Dr Ronald Yee comes in to teach them all about entomology, the pair are delighted to meet a hero.

Captain Holt and Amy have a strong relationship that carries on after they leave the 99, the question is can you tell the two apart?

Let's see if you can work out which of these statements are about Captain Holt and which are about Amy Santiago. Good luck!

1. Made Forts With Their Sibling.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.