Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quiz: Did Jake Peralta Say It?

"Noice. Smort. Cool, cool, cool."

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jake Peralta

The mega popular police sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine ran for eight seasons from 2013 to 2021 and dealt with heavy subject matters in a tasteful and lighthearted way. This style of humour made for excellent television and quickly sent the 99 and its stars into fame and success.

Among the stars of the show, and arguably the main character, is Jake Peralta - played by Andy Samberg. Samberg is a regular on Saturday Night Live and works with comedy group The Lonely Island on various projects, including music, skits and even a feature film called Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping. Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer, the other two members of The Lonely Island, even made cameo appearances in Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

The lovable rogue character displayed by Jake Peralta is nothing short of hilarious and made for some memorable quotes and moments over the eight-year run. Samberg's natural talent for comedic timing continuously gave Peralta some of the funniest moments throughout the show.

That said, do you think you know Brooklyn Nine-Nine's lead character well enough to get 100% on this quiz?

1. "I Ate One String Bean. It Tasted Like Fish Vomit."


A grown up... allegedly