Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quiz: Terry Jeffords - True Or False

The Ebony Falcon - with wings made of muscles!

Terry Smile

The success of a show is largely dependent upon its ability to develop and hone great characters – Brooklyn Nine-Nine does not struggle in this department. The show’s most charming characteristic is the ability to take a stereotype and smash it into a million pieces

Terry Jeffords is a muscle-bound line-backer sized unit of a man, a scary and aggressive Police detective? No! Sargent Jeffords is possibly one of the most effeminate and sensitive characters in the whole of the 99th Precinct.

Not afraid to show his love and care for all of his fellow detectives, Terry simply lost his nerve when his children were born, leading him to the desk job he currently resides in - the audience can clearly relate to Terry, creating a real down-to-earth vibe. Terry’s signature comedy, mainly talking about himself in the third person, is also frankly hilarious.

How well do you know the Ebony Falcon?

Answers at the end!

1. Terry's Full Name Is Terrance Vincent Jeffords?


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