Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quiz: Who Gave Jake Peralta These Nicknames?
Only Die Hard (a pun Peralta himself would approve) Brooklyn Nine-Nine fans should take this quiz!

Nobody loves doing their job more than Jake Peralta. The Die Hard obsessed, quick witted detective of Brooklyn’s 99th precinct loved nothing more than catching criminals in dangerous situations and frolicking around and having fun with his police colleagues. With just the right element of danger he would have a blast putting the bad guys away, John McClane style!
He also loved nothing more than an aliases or a cool nickname. He had over 40 of them during the course of Brooklyn Nine Nine’s eight seasons and 147 episodes, most of them self-assigned but his great friends on the force would also brand him with endearing nicknames from time to time.
We’ve not included too many of the self-assigned names in this quiz below but there are a few so watch out for those. Can you remember who called Jake Peralta the likes of Joke Peralta, Tyler Omaha, Vaughn Tom Tucker and Bitch Boy Beef Baby?
Only Die Hard (a pun Jake Peralta himself would approve of!) fans of Brooklyn Nine Nine would dare to take on this quiz. You can find your score with the answers at the end!