Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quiz: You'll Never 100% This Fill In The Gaps Vulture Quiz
Can you swoop in at the last second and claim 100%?

It takes a real talent to be both the best and worst character in a TV show and, somehow the Vulture manages to pull it off.
The Vulture aka Keith Pembroke is first introduced in Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 1 episode 5 and since then, the audience just couldn't get enough of him.
His arrogant, rude and downright insulting nature rubs everybody up the wrong way in the 99, but all he cares about his swooping in and getting the glory for the hard work the others had done.
Played fantastically by Dean Winters (whose IMDB is full of performances similar to the Vulture), the Vulture has appeared in 9 episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine (potentially more with season 8 dropping this year) and each performance has been as memorable as the last. Love him or hate him, you can't deny that the Vulture is one of the greatest guest stars to have ever walked across the 99's bullpen.
As hilarious as the Vulture is, just how well do you think you remember some of his most iconic lines? Find out by completing this fill in the gaps quiz about the Vulture.