Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quotes Quiz: Who Said It - Hitchcock Or Scully?

Which of these bumbling old timers with as much motivation as a sponge was it?

hitchcock scully brooklyn nine nine

Times change over the years and with times changing so do the people. In positions such as emergency services you have to adapt with the times to compensate for the ever-changing civilian public, especially if you are a part of the police charged with keeping people safe so they can sleep at night.

Apparently not when it comes to detectives Hitchcock and Scully of the 99th precinct in the tv show Brooklyn Nine-Nine. These two clumsy fossils of the force don't really contribute much doing the bulk of their work in the 70s and 80s, so now believe they have earned the right to spend their days on their asses with their feet up. Little or no motivation comes from the pair except for food related issues. If it is to find food then you see Hitchcock and Scully of their prime reappear in the blink of an eye, a relateable thing. Food is glorious.

But can you tell which of the pair said it?

Answers at the end!

1. Can't Spill Food On Your Shirt If You're Not Wearing One.


Kurt Howes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.