Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The HARDEST Jake And Amy True Or False Quiz!

Noice. Toit.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Jake and Amy

Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago are one of the cutest couples in television history. The modern day Ross and Rachel.

Their relationship started as a comedic work place rivalry, but after spending so much time together, they both realised, at different times however, that they were more than just colleagues.

Jake and Amy are very different. Jake is childish and doesn't really like to follow rules. Amy on the other hand loves rules! And binders. These two could not be any more different. But that's what makes them so perfect for each other. They may not love the same movies, or even the same food, but they definitely love each other!

If you love their relationship as Boyle does, then you should have no problems acing this true or false quiz. Can you correctly identify if the following 15 statements are true or false?

Answers at the end!

1. They Got Married In Season 5.


Laura Holmes hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.