Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Impossible Boyle Family Quiz
Just give up. It's the Boyle way.

While not that brilliant (or physically gifted), Charles Boyle is an iconic staple of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
It speaks volumes to the quality of Joe Lo Truglio's performance as Boyle that such a strange little man quickly became one of the most beloved characters of the hit cop comedy. On the surface, Boyle is easy to dismiss as a bumbling weirdo whose only goal in life is to be Jake's best friend, but this masks his consistent low-key brilliance as a detective who is always capable of imparting indispensable life advice to his friends and colleagues.
The noticeably wackier aspects of Charles' personality can be, in part, attributed to his peculiar family, who give the Schrute and McPoyle families a run for their money in the bizzarro sweepstakes. When one gets an insight into the oddly effeminate and khaki-clad clan - whose signature phrase no matter the circumstance is "I love you" - it is easy to see how being brought up in such a family resulted in Boyle being moulded into the endearing oddity that fans of Brooklyn Nine-Nine quickly came to know and love.
But how familiar are you with the intricacies of Boyle family history?
Answers at the end!