Brooklyn Nine Nine: The Impossible Nicknames Quiz

Do you know your Wet Blankets from your Velvet Thunders?


Brooklyn Nine Nine lasted 153 episodes across eight glorious seasons between September 17th 2013 and September 16th 2021 but it almost ended much, much sooner. It’s easy to forget now but Brooklyn Nine Nine was very almost gone from our screens prematurely. Fox cancelled the series in May 2018 after just five seasons but fan support convinced Fox to pick up the show and we ended up with three more series before it finally bowed out last September.

One thing Brooklyn Nine Nine was so memorable for was its cast of fully rounded main characters. There was pretty much no filler characters in this show at all, unlike The Office where supporting characters might just get one or two lines an episode, Brooklyn Nine Nine had half a dozen major characters who usually added significant output to most episodes.

WIth this tight-knit unit each Brooklyn Nine Nine character had several memorable, whacky and unique nicknames throughout the show. But how many of them can you remember and who were they associated with?

Take our Impossible Brooklyn Nine Nine nicknames quiz below and remember you can find the answers at the very end.

1. Pineapples


Emma Hannah hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.