Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Progressively Harder Gina Linetti Quiz

Do you know everything there is to know about Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Gina Linetti?

Gina Linetti Brooklyn

In Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Gina Linetti might appear like she doesn't care, but somehow she always manages to come through for her colleagues. Be it helping Jake getting a new apartment or offering her honest advice on Captain Holt's PR campaign, Gina often knows what's best. Her social media account even helps save the precinct when she streams Captain Holt's motivational speech.

When Linetti decides it's time to leave the 99, she chooses to go out the only way she knows how: she takes time to give everyone a moment where she shows them something about themselves. Oh, and she also leaves a giant gold statue of herself in the precinct so that they don't forget her.

Do you know everything there is to know about the 99's Gina? This progressively harder quiz on the show's social media icon will test even the biggest fans of this beloved sitcom.

Can you remember who in the squad Gina had a secret relationship with? Do you recall where Gina worked as an assistant manager? Only those who have been paying close attention will be able to answer all 12 of these questions correctly. Will you prove to be a Gina Linetti expert? Let's find out!

Don't forget, all the answers can be found at the end of the quiz. Good luck!

1. Who Has Gina Been Friends With Since She Was A Child?


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.