Buffy The Vampire Slayer Quiz: Who Did It - Buffy Or Faith?

Good girls, bad girls, name takers and vampire slayers. What have they done this time?

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy Productions

Buffy vs Faith, tale as old as time... or as old as the late '90s, but who's counting?

One's a badass with a troubled past and a penchant for pain; the other's a slave to the slay with only a few blemishes on her record. But both slayers have the sass, style and sublime one-liners to take the demon world to the cleaners any night of the week.

Across seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and a further five of Angel, Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane carved out two very different names for themselves, tearing through vampires, demons, romances, rivalries and a whole wardrobe of leather trousers. The yin to each other's yang, Buffy and Faith took years to come to terms with their differences, but ultimately stood side by side and faced down the end of the world - and we're all the better for it!

Whatever your experience of the Buffy universe, whether you're five by five or just trying to get by, let's see how much of these ladies you can remember, with a Who Did It? for the ages.

As always, you'll find the answers at the end, whether Sunnydale is still standing or not.

1. Who Wrestled An Alligator?


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.