Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Ranking Every Season Finale From Worst To Best
1. Becoming Part 2 – Season 2
Season 2 is a huge step up from season 1. Whedon and his team hit the ground running this time and delivered a terrific set of stories. Angelus (Angel’s evil alter-ego) is the primary antagonist in this season (along with Spike and Drusilla), and the closing stages of Becoming Part 2 see him take on the Slayer in a wicked sword fight.
Seconds after Angel regains his soul, Buffy is forced to kill her loved one and trap him inside Acathla's Dimension. The combination of the performances and the Close your Eyes theme makes it almost impossible not to cry. With the exception of The Body, no other episode carries so much emotional heft.
Remarkably, there are also a number of other outstanding scenes in this episode as well. The scene where Joyce learns Buffy is the Slayer is an obvious example, but Angelus’s dialogue with Giles and Buffy’s departure from Sunnydale are also standout moments.
Finding fault with this episode is next to impossible. Becoming Part 2 is simply perfect. And despite how many other great episodes are featured in Buffy’s second season, Whedon and his team definitely saved the best for last.