Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Progressively Harder Cordelia Chase Quiz

Can you recall the custom license plate she uses or why her father was sent to jail for 12 years?

Chase Buffy

Starting off as a nemesis to Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Cordelia Chase quickly became a firm fan favourite and way more complex character than anyone could have initially expected. Charisma Carpenter turned a rather run of the mill mild antagonist into a badass in her own right, eventually swapping being a Scooby gang supporting character to instead becoming one of the leads of Angel.

Cordelia's scarcasm and dry humour led to some of the more memorable parts of Buffy The Vampire Slayer but it was in her quieter character moments that she reflected a true depth and nuance to her. To know her was to admire her charm and it was impossible not to fall head over heels with Cordelia by the finale.

But how well do you really remember all things Cordelia Chase across the 144 episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Can you recall the custom license plate she uses or why her father was sent to jail for twelve years or in which year Cordelia met her demise.

As always you can find the answers to this quiz at the very end. So without further ado, go stake some answers!

1. What Is Cordeila’s License Plate?


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