Carnival Row Season 2: 10 Things We Want To See
8. The Breakspear/Longerbane Aliiance
Longerbane and Jonah Breakspear have the potential to cause absolute carnage in
the Burgue. They are both cold, calculated people with great ambition.
Hopefully in series two they take full advantage of their exalted status and
become the power couple we love to hate.
They are the hottest incestuous couple since Jaime and Cersei but what we need in series two is for them to develop as characters and push their political agenda even further. As it stands, they have segregated all non-humans and you can see it will only get worse for the Critch.
With these two in charge the possibilities are endless as to what will happen in the Burgue. That is why it is essential that they are particularly brutal as leaders, creating a hostile area for everyone. This is not because we as viewers are evil sadists who loves to see all non-humans suffer. The more hostile the area, the more action there will be. The more action there is, the better the storylines.
With nice rulers in charge it would become boring and stagnant, with these two loons in charge, it’s exciting.