Community: 10 Best Relationships

9. Jeff And The Dean

Community Shirley Anthropology

Although some relationships, friendships and even dictatorships - which is a real thing in this series - form organically and maintain a sense of companionship within Community's realm of non-believability, this may be the hardest to believe of all. Leading man Jeff and his alleged superior fall into one of these brackets for sure, but with the Dean's countless, likely unspeakable things that occur in his dreams involving him and his student, it's quite hard to tell which one it may be. One thing is for certain though: in the waking world, their antics are thankfully much more clean-cut and inherently family friendly.

As Jeff starts his new life at Community, so too does his relationship with the Dean. A much more subdued and down-to-Earth Dean Pelton, that is, before he becomes increasingly eccentric as the series unfolds, with his obsessive fixation on Jeff simultaneously growing with each new iteration.

This fixation grows to John Hinckley Jr. levels of stalkership nonetheless, with one episode even ironically containing a plotline in which the Dean shoots Annie on behalf of Jeff. Of course, Jeff doesn't reciprocate the Dean's sentiment in any of the episodes. He isn't very flattered by his extremely intrusive advances either, but after a lot of giving and not much taking, Jeff eventually takes to him and considers him a lifelong friend.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: