Community: 10 Worst Things Abed Has Ever Done

4. Going To A Dance With Two Girls

Community Abed
Sony Pictures Television

In another instance of Abed not understanding woman – which you may notice is something of a pattern here – we see Abed go to a dance with two girls, and in true tropey fashion not notice the perfect girl right in front of him. When a dance is coming up, Annie offers to set him up on a blind date with a quirky girl. He meets the girl and accepts, despite some clear visual confusion towards her, but when Shirley offers to set him up with someone from her church the opportunity for hijinks is too strong for Abed to resist.

Going to the dance with two girls is, as he sees it, “the opportunity of a lifetime”. Not the opportunity to meet someone or have a good time with them, but the opportunity for trope-based shenanigans. It gives him the opportunity to wear two outfits, mix up their names, and all those silly TV things we have all seen before.

The funny thing is, this is at a point in the show when Abed is trying to grow as a person. However, growth takes a backseat to antics the moment the opportunity presents itself. He almost sees it as a sign, that the opportunity presented itself because he must take part. It’s shocking how quickly he backslides.

And of course, we have to talk about Rachel, the coat check girl who instantly recognizes what Abed is doing and loves the trope. She helps him out and gets wrapped up in his world. But he’s too wrapped up in his games to realize she’s actually interested in him.

This is interestingly one of the few times Abed realizes the error of his ways, saying to Shirley and Annie of his actions “it was wrong, and hurtful,” and deciding to pursue Rachel. However, that doesn’t stop the fact that he played with the emotions of three women for the sake of his own antics, and never actually apologized to two of them.

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Gamer, film lover, penguin collector. Lives in the midwestern US with his girlfriend and a pile of Blu-rays/video games/books/comics tall enough to reach halfway to the moon.