Community: 15 Best End Credits Tags Ever

Troy and Abed in the Morning...Nights!

Community Troy Donald Glover

With Community recently being added to Netflix worldwide, it's fair to say that the show is in the midst of a resurgence big enough to maybe finally get that damn movie made #SixSeasonsAndAMovie

But the bite-sized nature of Community as a TV series also has many benefits, not least the fact that every episode is accompanied by an end tag containing one final attempt to send audiences out on a big laugh.

Typically these tags feature Troy (Donald Glover) and Abed (Danny Pudi) goofing off in one way or another, but as Community went on it got more ambitious and adventurous with its end tags, especially during its sixth final season where it aired on Yahoo rather than NBC.

But picking the very best tags from the show's 100+ episodes sure isn't easy, especially considering how utterly hilarious and incredibly memorable so many of them are.

And yet, we've made the tough call to single out those mini-masterpieces, those tags that basically stole the show away from the main episode itself...

15. Duncan Calls In An Airstrike

Community Troy Donald Glover

Episode: "Analysis of Cork-Based Networking" (Season 5, Episode 6)

After running out of staples, Professor Duncan (John Oliver) calls up the Greendale supply hotline to order more, only to be distracted by a mysterious "Marigold" option on the automated phone line.

After inexplicably guessing an activation code, he accidentally engages the "Arcadia" protocol and finds himself speaking to a military officer asking about his clearance level.

Moments later, jets are heard flying over Greendale, implying that Duncan inadvertently called in an airstrike. To add a cherry on top, seconds after hanging up Duncan realises he misplaced the staples and they were on his desk all along. Oof.

As a testament to how ridiculously demented Community's humour can get, this was perfect.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.