Community: 15 Best End Credits Tags Ever

13. Screw You, NBC

Community Troy Donald Glover

Episode: "Basic Sandwich" (Season 5, Episode 13)

Basic Sandwich was the fifth season's final episode and, for a brief time, accepted by fans to be the show's series finale, given that NBC cancelled Community a few weeks after it aired, before Yahoo! stepped in and picked it up for season six.

As such, the end tag is a not-remotely-subtle thumbing of the nose at NBC for their ratings-obsessed, quality-oblivious approach to programming.

A glossy montage hypothesises several terrible potential shows which might take Community's place if it's cancelled, such as Thought Jacker, Intensive Karen, Mr. Egypt (starring B.J. Novak), Celebrity Beat-Off (starring Questlove), and Captain Cook.

But the most savage gag is saved for the very end, when the stars of these shows quip in unison, "Depends on what fails." Ouch.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.