Community: 15 Best End Credits Tags Ever

9. Community: The Board Game

Community Troy Donald Glover

Episode: "Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television" (Season 6, Episode 13)

If season five's last end tag was a decisive "f**k you" to NBC, season six's final episode - and the series' last to date - piled on the righteous indignation even further, with a satirical commercial for Community: The Board Game.

Narrated with snide snark by Community creator Dan Harmon himself, the advert features the seemingly typical sight of a family playing the Community-themed board game, only for the son to hand over a tiny script to the father, which happens to be the script to the commercial itself.

In a devastating moment, the father realises he and his family are fictional, before delivering a brutally honest monologue about their non-existence which leaves the family unit shellshocked.

Harmon then returns to keep plugging the game, which dovetails into an hilariously unsubtle meta-commentary as Harmon talks about the show's criticisms, the absurdity of its cancellation, and of course, its eventual resurrection.

If this truly is the final word on Community - and fingers crossed, it isn't - it's an appropriately fourth wall-smashing note to go out on.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.