Community: Every Paintball Episode Ranked Worst To Best

1. For a Few Paintballs More

Community Paintball

As incredible as A Fistful of Paintballs is, its second half, For a Few Paintballs More, is even better. The episode transitions from a Western spoof to a Star Wars spoof. As expected, Community and Star Wars are a match made in heaven, with City College standing in as the Empire, the surviving Greendale students as the Rebels, and Abed intentionally acting like Han Solo.

The episode is surprisingly tense, with audiences genuinely unsure of how the Greendale Rebel Alliance can defeat City College, or if they even will.

During an epic shootout with City College paintball players, who look suspiciously like stormtroopers, Troy and Jeff go down. Abed and Annie sacrifice themselves in a ploy to drench the "stormtroopers" in paint, and Britta and Shirley, after thinking they won, discover that City College has a few players left in the game, and those players promptly eliminate the Greendale girls. All hope seems lost.

However, in true Star Wars fashion, someone unexpected arrives to save the day. Disguised as a stormtrooper, which, again, comes right out of Star Wars, Pierce shoots the rest of City College's men in a sneak attack that wins him the game and a spot back in the study group, which in a rare moment of sincerity, he declines.

Filled to the brim with comedy, action, heart, life lessons, and the spoof to end all spoofs, For a Few Paintballs More is not only the best paintball episode, it's one of the single best Community episodes of all time.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.