Community: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

5. Season 6

Community TV
Sony Pictures Television

Season 6 is a vast improvement over the previous entry on this list, Season 4. However, the two seasons share something in common: They both don't feel quite like Community.

While Season 4 lacks the quality and heart of the rest of the series, Season 6 misses out on the traditional Community feel due to its different cast of characters. This is no longer a show about the study group, but about a group of friends at Greendale, some of whom used to be a study group. Chang and the Dean are even in their group now. While Elroy and Frankie add great new elements to the show, they don't make up for the lack of half of the original cast being gone. In many ways, Season 6 is bittersweet, since the group can't all be together for the end.

Additionally, Season 6's longer episodes don't always work to its advantage. Some episodes, such as Lawnmower Maintenance & Postnatal Care and Advanced Safety Features, are really funny, but go on for a little too long to stick the landing. The shorter episode length from the previous seasons would suit many of Season 6's weaker outings better.

However, despite a new network and half the original cast's absence, Season 6 proves to be really funny. Episodes like Intro to Recycled Cinema, Modern Espionage, and Wedding Videography are some of the series funniest and most clever concepts. The series finale, Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television, manages to end the show on a high note. All in all, the season is up to Communty's standard.

Season 6 is a great season of TV. It only ranks this low because it's not the best fit within the rest of Community.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.