Community: The Impossible Abed Nadir Quiz

Can you remember what pop culture obsessed Abed's favourite Quentin Tarantino movie was?

Abed Nadir

Easily the smartest member of the Greendale Community College, Abed Nadir was a key standout in Community who stole most episodes he was in (which just happens to be all of them!).

His love of movies and television shows shaped Abed's expectations from life and his pop culture references were often hilarious. They were also incredibly telling in how he related to his fellow students and his ability to therefore predict their future based on what he had seen on screen.

A quirky, loveable, kind-hearted presence, Abed was well liked among the study group, though he often struggled to understand his own emotions and relate with others.

A skilled dancer, singer and shockingly athletic, Abed Nadir could speak three languages (we’ll not tell you exactly which as its one of the questions in the quiz!) and had no problem pulling the ladies, which led to AV Club dubbing him "the most original character of the past decade."

There’s more to Abed that meets the eye but can you remember all things about him?

Take our Abed quiz below and remember you can check your answers at the very end.

1. What Is Abed’s Star Sign?


Emma Hannah hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.