Community's 15 Best Ever Episodes

14. Series 3 Episode 3: Remedial Chaos Theory

Written by Chris McKenna Remedial Chaos Theory FRIENDS Title The One Where the Gang Explore the Multi-verse Quote of the Week Abed - It won't matter what happens to us as long as we stay honest and accepting of each others' flaws and virtues. Annie will always be driven, Shirley will always be giving, Pierce will never apologize, Britta's sort of a wild card from my perspective, and Jeff will forever remain a conniving son of a bitch. Why This Episode is so Good Another bottle episode, of sorts this 'Sliding Doors'-esque story sticks in the mind not because of its sharp satire but because of how much fun it is. Through seven alternate timelines we get to see the results of each one of the Study Group being separated from the rest. In a each world a different member leaves the rest to go and pay for the pizzas at the door whilst chaos ensues inside the flat. Through the episode we examine the make up of the group. What do each of the members bring to it, what do they take away? Ultimately this is a perfect character building episode due to the fact that we get to see our favorite characters from every different angle. Also its damn funny.
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Whilst not writing articles for WhatCulture! Stephen can usually be found livin' it up in the city or livin' it down on the couch in front of one of many DVDs. You can tell how many of his friends are in Edinburgh at any given time by measuring how prolific he is on this site.