Could This Friends Quiz BE Any Easier?!

The One Where Everyone Scores 100% On A Friends Quiz.

friends quiz

As far as TV fandom goes, none compares to that of Friends. From its grim reality of dead-end jobs and complex relationships, to sharing it all away with the best of friends, the '90s hangout show has aged like a fine wine. With an ordinary storyline focusing on the day to day adventures of six friends, the hardcore love for the show seems like a dream come true.

Sixteen years have passed since everyone's favourite apartment shut its doors, and the series moved from its usual home NBC to Netflix, but the love for the show only grew stronger and stronger with every rewatch. The relatability with the story bottles down to the characters and their everyday mishaps. The jokes, heartbreaks, marriages, jobs, the show manages to strike a balance and capture the beauty in the simplest of things.

Continuing with the simplicity and the beauty in little things, here's the easiest and completely harmless Friends quiz that everyone can ace. In a world filled with insanely hard things, here's an insanely simple quiz.

Answers at the end!

1. Who Took Up Smoking After Their Parents Got Divorced?


Software Engineer by day and a self-proclaimed writer by night, this highly functional sociopath is an avid follower of pop culture and everything nerdy. Every hour he can be seen ranting about social media and working up a migraine over everything on Twitter (What a hypocrite!).